Stories to give you hope in hard times and joy in waiting—through all life’s transitions.

Processing God’s Plan Through Prayer

buki praying in church as she processes God's plan

I remember during my ‘involuntary’ career break I wasn’t sure where to start. I was coming from a place of waking up every morning and going to work, a place where there was a steady income…I had a sense of purpose. 

When the career break hit, I was all over the place, searching for what to do, how to get back on track (which is not a bad thing)????

But, there was that tug in my heart saying…before I formed you in the womb, I knew you…let me show you ‘you’…

It was a growth from the inside out…

It was a growth that changed my perspective. The situation had not changed but I knew that even if there were giants in the land, I am well able to overcome

While you’re waiting, marking time in the present season, you can start praying. Let God’s power work out the weeks, months and years ahead so you can arrive at those places birthed in prayer. 

Instead of fear, you’ll have confidence that God is working things out on your behalf.

Cheering you on❤️

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