Stories to give you hope in hard times and joy in waiting—through all life’s transitions.

Pray about it!

scrabble tiles that spell out prayer on a pink

I’ve never looked forward to a holiday as I did with this. Maybe because it was a group trip with family and friends or the fact that I won’t be cooking or doing chores for a whole week…

As I sat in front of my computer doing my tasks for the day, a word dropped in my spirit – ‘Pray about your trip.’ Pray about my trip?! ‘Trip is 2 weeks away Lord…’

What’s up?

God telling me to pray; He could just have told me what it was but He said pray. lol…anyone ever felt that way?

Then I started to pray in the spirit under my breath until I hit a note of victory. Then it dropped in my spirit again. ‘The kids’ passports are expired!!! What!!! I ran to grab the passports and yes, they were expired. How did I miss that?

It was a ‘miracle’ how we got it renewed in less than 2 weeks. 

Isn’t it  amazing how God is not just the Lord of the big things but the Lord of the little things?

Pray about it! It’s not too small and definitely not too big for our God!

Cheering you on❤️

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