Stories to give you hope in hard times and joy in waiting—through all life’s transitions.

Help! I’m on a career break

working mom taking a career break

Statistics show that 69% of women have been on a career break at one point or the other and this has nothing to do with our skills and abilities. It’s often due to caregiving responsibilities, maternity leave, raising children, taking care of a loved one, moving to a new state/country, mental break and sometimes just the need to reset. 

Both my career breaks were due to relocation. My husband’s job moved us around a bit. I’ve met women who have had career breaks ranging from one year to fifteen years…yep! you heard that right.

Set back or set up?

There was this day my husband was having a long day at work and asked if I could pick up the clothes from the dry cleaners. I didn’t! I flared up and threw a lot of words around, like – am I your maid? Is it because I’m not working? You think I cannot work? If we didn’t move, I wouldn’t be in this situation…

My goodness, I knew I had to deal with some underlying issues. One of them was that I felt everyone was moving ahead, and I was just there being a wife and a mum. 

Sis, you’re not behind. Life is not a race and no one gets to set your pace.

I had to renew my mind to the fact that my journey is different and where I am in my journey will ultimately define who I am.

Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.Rom 12:2 TPT

When my thinking changed, I started to change.

For as he thinks within himself, so is he…Prov 23:7

A career break is a break in your career and not a break in your life.

There is a statement I heard from Joyce Myer a long time ago – Enjoy where you are, on the way to where you’re going.

I started to do that…

Are you in a transition period? How is it going?

Cheering you on❤️

Culled from my upcoming book “I’m on a career break, what next.?”

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